Thursday, April 30, 2015

My career plans

     My career will be linked to the law and hopefully one day I can be an attorney general but for now my goal is to be a lawyer. My typical day at work would be like be at the office as soon  as possible, check my emails, review the cases and pick up the cases that I believe I can help.
     I also want to open my law firm and hiring people to work for me and I will be very strict about who will be working with me because I want my company to have a good reputation so the qualifications will be really high.
     I will be a criminal lawyer and basically my job will be seen to defend people who have committed felonies so I am studying hard to be the best.


     Education is one of the best thing that people must appreciate but today I feel like many people do not really know how much importance the education is. For example, every year young people from high school drop out. However, the government is not really doing nothing to hold these teenagers. We know that people face everyday financial problems which could be a consequence that young people drop out high school. Another reason could be because of the family issues, which could bring them to the stress. The government should try to help more. Offering social services for those who need the help.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Summer 2015

    The summer is getting close and I don't really know what I am going to do for this summer. However, I do have some ideas that I could do for this summer. At first , I was planning to take summer school which was a very good idea until I found that this summer one of my cousins was graduating from college in Los Angeles. So, since I have never been in Los Angeles, I started thinking about different attraction that I can go visit in that city. Besides that Los Angeles Lakers are my team so I thought maybe I could just spend my entire summer in L.A. My second option was go to visit my mother in Zaragoza because I have not seen  her since 2012. I know that in Spain I will have fun too because I have many friends there and I know the lifestyle there. So I still undecided about what I am doing for this summer.  Los Angeles Barcelona

My hobbies

     Since young, I like playing soccer, video games and going out but if I have to pick one of those hobbies, I would choose soccer. Soccer for me represents everything because simply I love. When I was younger I used to play soccer almost everyday with my friends and also competing with other teams. I almost can play in any position in the field but where I enjoy most is playing as a forward because I love scoring goals, and dribbling defenders. Besides that, I love watching my team which is Fc. Barcelona which I think is the best team in the world. I watch almost every game that my team play every weekend. On of my dream is go to a soccer game to watch them play.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Skills

      First of all, let me tell you what skills mean to me. Skill is an ability to perform something better than someone else and it can  be physically and mentally. Since I was young I have been said that I am not a very talkative person ( my mom). However I never paid attention to that quote since I moved in Houston where I realize that was not true at all because I am the kind of guy that talks when I want to be heard or do something when  it has to be done. With that said, I want to describe you my skills and all of them are related to my entire life.
      Since young I have been  traveling worldwide. I was born in Spain, Zaragoza a province of Aragon where I lived all my childhood. Living in Spain made me realized that communication is the key of everything and without that we are not anything. One of my favorite skill is listening to people problems and try to help them as well. Speaking different languages is also very good for me because I am able to speak Spanish, French, and English. And also I am very open minded person and that makes me get too friendly with different people like race, religion, and culture. It is really easy to talk to me because I can have conversations about different topics thank to my hobby to read books.

My Teachers in Prairie View A&M University

      In 2013, after graduating from Houston Community College, I decided to go somewhere a little bit isolated to the city and after researching and talking to different advisers, I decided to go to Prairie View and the reason was because it was isolated to the urban areas so you can get focus on your education. So my first semester was at first really bored because I was new and I did not really know nobody and I used to feel lonely many times. The teachers in Prairie View are really better than the community college where I came from. The teachers in my university are really concerned about the students. They are always available for you 24/7 so you have their support and also they are friendly all the time smiling. The teachers quality in Prairie View is great so I encourage anybody who is thinking about what university to assist in his/her next step to success to come in Prairie View A&M University.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring fest In Prairie View A&M University

       Everybody in the University was really eager for the Spring Fest of 2015 last week in Prairie View A&M University. The campus had many events to attend. I personally did not have time to assist to all of them but where I went I made sure to fun. For Example, I went to Hump Day which was extended to one more hour than normal and once there I saw that many students were missing their classes just to live that experience so that event was outside and it was consisted in to play music where you see many Fraternities dancing in groups and the MC doing his job which is to make people have a good time. In that same week, I also went to many kickbacks that my friends were doing which were drinking and dancing but the party had to finish because the police came to shut it down. I wish I had more time to attend to the events in the weekend because I went back to Houston that weekend. So that was my Spring Fest 2015 which I wish I could do better.
    Here is a link to show you what spring fest means for students in Prairie View

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Winter Jam 2015

    Toyota center was proud to welcome back the winter jam tour spectacular on Saturday, February 28th. Every year, the winter jam brings together a great collection of today's top christian artists and this year was not different. Kim of the Blue Scout media said that the artists invited at this years were the multi-grammy nominated New Boys and the groundbreaking grammy winning rap/hip hop recording artist Lecrae which also features Tenth Avenue North, Thousands Foot Krutch, Plumb, New Song and Cotton.
    To assist to the event, you just had to show up earlier at 5:00 pm. Then there will be not sale but you can donate $10 at the door. In my experience assisting to the Winter Jam 2015 in Toyota Center that day was awful because there was so many people waiting in the line and everybody could not get in. My friends and I could not get in because there were so many people inside Toyota Center so we went somewhere else. But next year I will be attending the next one but at that time I hope to get in.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Moving to Houston

      Since I was born, I have been moving around. First place that I lived was Spain where I moved in 2001and that time I was 14 years old. The culture was almost the same thing as my origin country (Equatorial Guinea) because it was colonized by Spanish. However, moving to the United States was totally different. For example the idiom, culture and the food were different from my likes.
       I had to learn a new language and sometimes in my process of learning English I would feel frustration because it was really hard for me but after a couple of months I started having full conversations in English and that made me feel good with myself so I realized that working hard you can do whatever you want not matter how hard it is.
        About the culture, the only thing I knew about the american lifestyle was the music and the movies so everything else was new to me. Today I can say that I like the american  culture because the country is really diverse and the americans will accept you how you are. The food was another issue for me in my rocky year but I discover that there are places you can eat the food you want to eat.
       In conclusion, moving to Houston is one of the better decision in my life.

My degre plan in Political Science looks like this


So my degree plan would look like this link above which I will explain now the required and elective courses:
   Once you coming in Prairie View as a freshman with the desire to do political science, you first have to take your basic classes and that include Government, History, Mathematics, Communication, Microeconomics so those classes should be for your freshman year. So the next step that you should consider in your Sophomore year is to take those classes: Intro to Political Science, Public Administration, Scope& Methods in Political Science, International Politics and basically all your major subjects. However in your Junior and Senior years, you have to work in your minor and other electives you have left in your major and should not take you more than a year. So Political Science degree is a wide field and you can work in any branch of the government in the United States and I cheer people to do it because the government is part of our life so we must deal with it.