Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring fest In Prairie View A&M University

       Everybody in the University was really eager for the Spring Fest of 2015 last week in Prairie View A&M University. The campus had many events to attend. I personally did not have time to assist to all of them but where I went I made sure to fun. For Example, I went to Hump Day which was extended to one more hour than normal and once there I saw that many students were missing their classes just to live that experience so that event was outside and it was consisted in to play music where you see many Fraternities dancing in groups and the MC doing his job which is to make people have a good time. In that same week, I also went to many kickbacks that my friends were doing which were drinking and dancing but the party had to finish because the police came to shut it down. I wish I had more time to attend to the events in the weekend because I went back to Houston that weekend. So that was my Spring Fest 2015 which I wish I could do better.
    Here is a link to show you what spring fest means for students in Prairie View

1 comment:

  1. Maybe not the best topic for a future attorney, to describe being at events shut down by the police...?
