Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Teachers in Prairie View A&M University

      In 2013, after graduating from Houston Community College, I decided to go somewhere a little bit isolated to the city and after researching and talking to different advisers, I decided to go to Prairie View and the reason was because it was isolated to the urban areas so you can get focus on your education. So my first semester was at first really bored because I was new and I did not really know nobody and I used to feel lonely many times. The teachers in Prairie View are really better than the community college where I came from. The teachers in my university are really concerned about the students. They are always available for you 24/7 so you have their support and also they are friendly all the time smiling. The teachers quality in Prairie View is great so I encourage anybody who is thinking about what university to assist in his/her next step to success to come in Prairie View A&M University.

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