Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Summer 2015

    The summer is getting close and I don't really know what I am going to do for this summer. However, I do have some ideas that I could do for this summer. At first , I was planning to take summer school which was a very good idea until I found that this summer one of my cousins was graduating from college in Los Angeles. So, since I have never been in Los Angeles, I started thinking about different attraction that I can go visit in that city. Besides that Los Angeles Lakers are my team so I thought maybe I could just spend my entire summer in L.A. My second option was go to visit my mother in Zaragoza because I have not seen  her since 2012. I know that in Spain I will have fun too because I have many friends there and I know the lifestyle there. So I still undecided about what I am doing for this summer.  Los Angeles Barcelona

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