Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Moving to Houston

      Since I was born, I have been moving around. First place that I lived was Spain where I moved in 2001and that time I was 14 years old. The culture was almost the same thing as my origin country (Equatorial Guinea) because it was colonized by Spanish. However, moving to the United States was totally different. For example the idiom, culture and the food were different from my likes.
       I had to learn a new language and sometimes in my process of learning English I would feel frustration because it was really hard for me but after a couple of months I started having full conversations in English and that made me feel good with myself so I realized that working hard you can do whatever you want not matter how hard it is.
        About the culture, the only thing I knew about the american lifestyle was the music and the movies so everything else was new to me. Today I can say that I like the american  culture because the country is really diverse and the americans will accept you how you are. The food was another issue for me in my rocky year but I discover that there are places you can eat the food you want to eat.
       In conclusion, moving to Houston is one of the better decision in my life.


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